Clinician Engagement
We invite clinics, health systems, and FQHCs to join DRIVE programs to sustainably promote health equity through clinician education, quality improvement, and community engagement.

Why join a DRIVE Clinical Program?
To learn more and become a champion driving health equity in your practice and community, send an email to
Find resources that can help health care teams promote equity through QI, increasingly required in performance reporting, accreditation, value-based payment, and professional certification
Exclusive support in partnering with trusted community voices through SHC’s community leader networks in the Faith Health Alliance and the Wellness Warriors HAIR programs
Gain access to and support in using the DRIVE tools
Connect with colleagues seeking to promote health equity
Access resources to improve patient and community outreach and education
Focus on high priority topics such as vaccination, cancer screenings, diabetes, and others
Potential to receive small grants for participation
Recognition as a clinical health equity champion, including invitations to lead national programs

Quality Improvement Education (QIE)
SHC has adapted the rapid cycle improvement or PDSA (Plan-Do_Study-Act) approach to quality improvement (QI) by enhancing its focus on the patient and community, engaging the whole clinical team, and celebrating the clinicians who work so hard to care for their patients. More importantly, we provide examples of QI project that have been implemented and shown to promote quality and equity.

SHC’s DRIVE approach adheres to the following principles:
Patient-centered, engaging patients and community leaders in program and treatment planning as well as educational activities;
Team-based, with all members of the practice team included to create efficiencies in care, avoid burn-out, and tap into the strong motivation held by all to take good care of patients;
Local champion-driven, from the clinic and community promoting sustainable improvement;
Data-directed guided NMQF’s state-of-the-art health geographic information system (GIS) along with clinical chart and survey data; and
Collaborative, partnering with patient advocates, health systems, researchers, and innovation company partners.
Be recognized as a clinical health equity champion, with opportunities to lead national programs
Any clinical team can access for free the DRIVE/QI modules on our website.
Currently, we have the following QI Toolkits:

Become a Community Pharmacist Ambassador Today!
Learn to publicly communicate up-to-date information on a variety of medical conditions, with a focus on patients of color.
Be provided information on health education opportunities in your community
Access modules that are self-paced and simple to follow

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