Center for Sustainable Healthcare Quality and Equity

Sustainable healthy communities in every zip code

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About US

The National Minority Quality Forum’s (NMQF’s) Center for Sustainable Health Care Quality and Equity (SHC) provides clinical teams and community leaders education, training and support in:

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Identifying gaps in health care and outcomes for all disease conditions, and

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Implementing evidence-based quality improvement education and community- and patient-engagement.

SHC focuses on health care in underserved and vulnerable communities, including people of color, rural populations, older adults, children, people with disabilities, and people with limited financial means, health literacy, and other social risks, identified through NMQF’s state-of-the-art health geographic information system (GIS). Applying the rapid cycle improvement and collective impact model, SHC promotes patient-centered, team-based care that respects the clinicians, patients, and caregivers in achieving high quality and equitable health outcomes.


Meet our SHC Team

Akeia Blue, MPH, MS


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Laura Lee Hall, PhD

President Emeritus

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Chinonso “Chinnie” Ukachukwu, MPH

Senior Director, Quality Improvement & Equity

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Leslie Zuniga-Rivas, MPH

Project Manager, Quality Improvement and Equity

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Shantia Horsford, MBS

Program Coordinator, Quality Improvement & Equity

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Our Impact

SHC is proud to work with clinicians and community leaders to increase awareness and education of several different health topics. To date we have:

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Partnered with 83 Federally Qualified Health Centers and clinics in 14 states

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Partnered with more than 23 churches, 25 salons and barbershops, and 60 community pharmacists

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Supported clinics in improving flu vaccination rates by up to 75%

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Been recognized by the CDC for an award-winning influenza program in 2023

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Produced increased patient engagement, significant reductions in A1c levels among patients with diabetes, increased referral for prostate cancer screening, and improved measurement of social determinant of health needs, results published at professional meetings and scientific publications through our DRIVE programs

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Heralded a Lancet publication pointing to the singular role of race and ethnicity in flu vaccination disparities among Medicare beneficiaries

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Hosted 27 webinars in the last year alone on topics including influenza, diabetes, navigating Medicare, and vaccinations with over 2,500 live viewers and more than 2 million impressions on social media

Our Success Stories

  • The West Oakland Health Council is a hub of health serving black and brown communities throughout Oakland, CA. We strive to deliver high quality health education and health promotion in culturally and linguistically appropriate approaches for our diverse patient population. We aim to meet our patients where they are, and through our QIE project with NMQF’s SHC, we educated and connected patients to nutrient dense foods to affect positive health outcomes and lifestyles. We continuously advocate for increased access to equitable health care and nutrient dense foods to promote whole person care.

    Dr. DeLorean Ruffin, DrPH, MPH Director, Community Health, Evaluation, and Research

    West Oakland Health Council

  • Our Federally Qualified Health Center worked with the DRIVE program through NMQF’s SHC. Their staff is passionate, engaging, and innovative in their mission to increase health equity through flu immunizations, among other health priorities. Our team was given access to coaching and brainstorming sessions to plan an effective campaign to increase immunizations at our organization. We were also provided with the highest quality resources including subject matter experts to provide education for our providers and patients. Overall, it was an enjoyable experience, collaborating for the common goal of increasing awareness of the importance of flu vaccinations!

    Sara Jones, PharmD, BCACP

    Clinical Pharmacy Director ARcare
